secrets to lean belly breakthough


Did you just spend an hour (or more!) watching the promo video for Lean Belly Breakthrough? If so, here’s what you probably know at this point:

Instead of taking prescription medications, undergoing strenuous workouts, or buying special gadgets though, lean Belly Breakthrough is supposed to work using only all natural ingredients and body movements you can implement in the comfort of your own home. And Bruce claims everything is laid out in simple, step-by-step instructions. A Quick Primer on Belly Fat, Heart Disease, & Diabetes
Belly fat (scientifically known as visceral fat) forms just like most other fat in our body; excess glucose is stored in specialized fat cells for later use. Then, if we continuously consume more calories than we expend, this fat (whether around the midsection or elsewhere) continues to grow.
However, there are two main problems with the program’s claims: Problem #1: Safe, Healthy Weight Loss First, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that losing 1-2 pounds per week is considered healthy and ideal for long-term results. Anything more than this might be considered a “crash” diet, which most physicians recommend avoiding. Problem #2: It’s Not Possible to Lose Only Belly Fat Instead of crash diets, the only tried-and-true methods of losing weight and keeping it off are diet and exercise. But even then, you’ll lose fat at around the same rate all over your body.
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